How to Read Degrees in Astrology: Your Friendly Guide (2024)

Have you ever looked at an astrological chart and wondered about the numbers listed next to the planets and house cusps? These are the degrees in astrology, and understanding them is crucial to interpreting astrological charts.

Each planet and house cusp is associated with a specific degree in the zodiac, indicating its position at the time of your birth. These degrees hold important insights into your personality traits, life events, and overall astrological profile.

Table of Contents

Key Takeaways

  • Understanding how to read degrees in astrology is crucial to interpreting astrological charts.
  • Each planet and house cusp is associated with a specific degree in the zodiac, indicating its position at the time of your birth.
  • Degree interpretations hold important insights into your personality traits, life events, and overall astrological profile.

Understanding Astrological Degrees

Welcome to the fascinating world of astrological degrees! Astrological degrees are used to measure the distance between celestial bodies in the sky. They play a crucial role in interpreting astrological charts and understanding the planetary influences in an individual’s life.

To calculate astrological degrees, astrologers use an astrological degree calculator, which takes into account the precise coordinates of the celestial bodies at the time of an individual’s birth. The resulting degrees are then used to create the natal chart, which provides insights into an individual’s personality, life events, and future.

Types of Degrees in Astrology

There are different types of degrees used in astrology, each with its unique interpretation. The primary types of degrees are:

Type of DegreeInterpretation
Planetary DegreesRepresent the distance between a planet and the beginning of its sign. They reveal the planet’s influence on an individual’s personality and life events.
House Cusp DegreesMeasure the distance between the beginning of a house and the beginning of the sign that rules it. They signify an individual’s experiences and influences related to that house.
Sabian DegreesA set of symbolic images for each degree, used to add depth and meaning to astrological interpretations.

Understanding the different types of degrees is crucial in interpreting astrological charts accurately.

Interpreting Astrological Degrees

Interpreting astrological degrees requires a thorough knowledge of astrology, including the meanings of the planets, signs, houses, and aspects. Each degree corresponds to a specific interpretation, which can be positive or negative, depending on the planetary influences and other astrological factors.

For example, if the degree of the Sun is in an individual’s first house, it represents self-expression, creativity, and leadership. On the other hand, if the degree of Saturn is in the same house, it represents self-doubt, limitations, and challenges.

By interpreting the astrological degrees accurately, astrologers can provide comprehensive and insightful readings for their clients.

Interpreting Planetary Degrees in Astrology

Planetary degrees in astrology are a fundamental aspect of astrological interpretation. The specific degree that a planet occupies in a natal chart can significantly influence an individual’s personality, life events, and overall destiny. Understanding how to interpret planetary degrees is an essential skill for any aspiring astrologer.

The degrees of planets in a chart can be determined using various astrological tools and software. You can easily find out the degrees of each planet by using an online astrological degree calculator. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that the position of a planet in a specific sign and house can further influence its meaning.

Each planet’s degrees can represent a unique set of characteristics and influences. For instance, planets in the early degrees of a sign tend to be more powerful and intense, while those in the later degrees tend to be more refined and subtle. Planetary degrees also interact with one another through aspects, creating complex patterns of influence in a chart.

Degree Symbols in Astrology

Degree symbols in astrology add depth and nuance to astrological interpretations. These symbols can have literal or metaphorical meanings and can be used to pinpoint specific characteristics associated with a planet’s position. For example, a planet at 29 degrees of a sign suggests a sense of urgency or a feeling of completion.

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Some astrologers also believe that the specific degree a planet occupies in a chart reflects a soul lesson or karmic challenge. Therefore, understanding these symbolic meanings can give insights into an individual’s spiritual journey and personal growth.

It’s worth noting that interpreting planetary degrees requires a nuanced approach that considers other astrological factors such as house placements, aspects, and planetary dignities. These factors can modify the meaning of a planet’s degree, adding complexity and depth to an astrological interpretation.

“Interpreting planetary degrees is an essential skill for any aspiring astrologer.”

To sum up, interpreting planetary degrees is a crucial aspect of astrology that can provide profound insights into an individual’s personality and life path. Understanding the significance of different degrees and degree symbols can help astrologers create a comprehensive and nuanced interpretation of a chart.

Understanding Astrological Degrees and Significations

Now that you understand the basics of astrological degrees, it’s time to explore their significations in natal charts. Every planet and house cusp has a specific degree, and each degree holds a unique interpretation. By learning how to read degrees in natal charts, you can gain a deeper understanding of an individual’s character and life path.

To begin interpreting astrological degrees, you’ll need to understand the different types of degrees used in astrology. There are three main types: the zodiac degree, the world degree, and the dwad degree. Each type carries its own significance and interpretation.

When reading degrees in natal charts, it’s important to consider the planetary aspects and house placements as well. Planetary aspects refer to the angles formed between planets, which impact their influence on each other. House placements, on the other hand, indicate which area of life the planet’s influence is focused on.

Reading Degrees in Natal Charts

To read degrees in natal charts, you’ll need to identify the degree of each planet and house cusp. Then, you can consult resources like degree interpretation tables to determine the meaning of each degree.

For example, if someone’s ascendant is at 12 degrees Aries, this indicates a strong sense of self and independence. However, if the ascendant is at 29 degrees Aries, this suggests a more restless and impulsive personality.

It’s important to keep in mind that degree interpretations can vary depending on the planet or house cusp in question. For example, a planet at 0 degrees may have a different meaning than a planet at 29 degrees. Additionally, the meaning of a degree can be influenced by the sign it’s in and the aspects it makes.

By mastering the art of interpreting astrological degrees, you can gain valuable insights into an individual’s unique character and life path. So dive in and start exploring the fascinating world of degree interpretation in astrology!

Deciphering Astrological Degrees

If you’re interested in delving deeper into astrology, understanding astrological degrees is an essential step. However, interpreting degrees can be quite challenging. Here are some tips to help you decipher astrological degrees like a pro:

Consider Planetary Aspects

When interpreting degrees, it is crucial to consider the aspects between planets. A planetary aspect occurs when two or more planets form a specific angle relative to each other. The aspect can significantly influence the interpretation of a degree. For example, if a planet is at 20 degrees, but it’s in a square aspect with another planet, it may indicate challenges or obstacles.

Take Into Account House Placements

Another important factor to consider when deciphering astrological degrees is house placements. Each planet’s placement in a specific house can influence its interpretation. Understanding the significance of house placements is crucial to understanding the overall interpretation of a degree.

Avoid Overlooking Other Astrological Factors

While interpreting degrees, it’s important to remember that other astrological factors can have a significant impact. For instance, the relationship between planets and their placement in different zodiac signs can add more depth to the interpretation of a degree. Make sure you take into account all relevant astrological factors for accurate interpretation.

By considering planetary aspects, house placements, and other astrological factors, you can decipher astrological degrees with more accuracy and precision. However, it’s essential to avoid common pitfalls that can lead to inaccurate interpretation. For instance, don’t rely solely on individual degrees and always keep the bigger picture in mind.

The Influence of Degrees in Astrology

Understanding the significance of degrees in astrology and their interpretations can add depth to your astrological readings. Astrology degree interpretation helps to identify the planetary influences on an individual’s characteristics and life events.

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The zodiac degree meanings provide insight into an individual’s personality traits and their connection to planetary influences. For instance, if your sun sign is at 0 degrees, you are said to possess a powerful and dynamic personality, ready to take on challenges and blaze new trails. On the other hand, if your sun sign is at 29 degrees, you are seen as a mature and wise individual, with a deep understanding of life’s complexities.

When it comes to understanding the influence of degrees in astrology, it is essential to consider the planetary aspects, house placements, and other astrological factors that affect the interpretation of degrees. For example, a planet at 0 degrees in a person’s natal chart may indicate a new beginning, while the same planet at 29 degrees may indicate the end of a cycle.

Deciphering astrological degrees can be a complex process, which requires careful consideration of all the astrological factors involved. However, with practice and patience, you can develop your skills in astrology degree interpretation to gain deeper insights into yourself and others.

How to Read Degrees in Astrological Charts

Reading degrees in an astrological chart can be a bit overwhelming at first, but with practice and patience, it becomes much easier to interpret their meanings. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to read degrees in astrological charts:

  1. Identify the planets: Start by identifying the planets in the chart and noting their degrees. Look for the Sun, Moon, and other planets such as Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto.
  2. Identify the house cusps: Next, locate the house cusps in the chart. These are the lines that mark the beginning of each of the twelve astrological houses. Note the degree of the house cusps and the sign they are in, as well as any planets that may be in the house.
  3. Consider the aspects: Look for any aspects between the planets and house cusps. Aspects are angles formed between planets and between a planet and a house cusp and can have a significant impact on the interpretation of the chart. Note the degree of each planet and house cusp involved in the aspect.
  4. Interpret the degrees: Once you have noted the planets, house cusps, and aspects, it is time to interpret the degrees. Use the information from Sections 2-4 of this article to understand the meanings of the specific degrees you have identified.

Remember that degrees are just one aspect of an astrological chart, and it is important to consider all the factors together to get a complete understanding of the chart. With time, practice, and continued learning, you will become more confident in your ability to read degrees in astrological charts and interpret their meanings.


Now that you have a better understanding of how to read degrees in astrology, you can delve deeper into interpreting astrological charts. Remember, the degrees of planets and house cusps offer valuable insight into an individual’s characteristics and life events.

By using an astrological degree calculator, you can calculate astrological degrees with ease. As you continue to explore astrological degrees and their significations, keep in mind that planetary aspects, house placements, and other astrological factors play a crucial role in deciphering their meanings.

By avoiding common pitfalls and following the techniques outlined in this article, you can become a skilled interpreter of astrological degrees.

So go ahead and explore this fascinating aspect of astrology further! With your newfound knowledge of how to read degrees in astrological charts, you can deepen your understanding of planetary influences and gain valuable insights into your own life and relationships.


Q: What is the importance of understanding astrological degrees?

A: Understanding astrological degrees is crucial in interpreting astrological charts. Degrees provide specific information about planetary placements, which can influence a person’s characteristics and life events.

Q: How are astrological degrees calculated?

A: Astrological degrees are calculated using tools like an astrological degree calculator. These calculators take into account the position of planets and house cusps to determine the degree placements.

Q: What are the different types of degrees used in astrology?

A: Astrology uses various types of degrees, including planetary degrees and house cusps. Each type carries its own significance and adds depth to astrological interpretations.

Q: What do degree symbols signify in astrology?

A: Degree symbols in astrology add meaning and nuance to astrological interpretations. They provide additional insights into a person’s personality traits and can reveal hidden aspects of their life.

Q: How can I interpret astrological degrees in natal charts?

A: Interpreting astrological degrees in natal charts involves identifying the degrees of planets and house cusps and understanding their corresponding interpretations. Examples and guidance can help in this process.

Q: What factors should I consider when deciphering astrological degrees?

A: When deciphering astrological degrees, it is important to consider planetary aspects, house placements, and other astrological factors. Taking a holistic approach helps in obtaining accurate interpretations.

Q: How do astrological degrees influence readings?

A: Astrological degrees enhance readings by providing specific insights into planetary influences. They deepen the understanding of an individual’s characteristics and can shed light on their life events.

Q: How do I read degrees in astrological charts?

A: To read degrees in astrological charts, you need to identify the degrees of various planets and house cusps. Then, interpret their meanings using common techniques and guidelines in astrology degree interpretation.

How to Read Degrees in Astrology: Your Friendly Guide (2024)


How to read degrees on astrology chart? ›

All the zodiac signs are 30 degree chunks of the 360 degree circle. So if your Jupiter is 18.14 degrees of Pisces, it means it is just over half way through the 30 degrees of Pisces. Degrees are where a planet or point sits on a 360 degree circle. 0-30 degrees of that circle is considered Aries.

What does 3 degrees mean in astrology? ›

An astrologer would use the 3 degree Sun placement to determine that the Sun is in the first decanate of your Sun sign, which give slightly different personality traits than if it were in the other two decanates.

What does 1 degree mean in astrology? ›

When a planet is at 1 degree, it signifies the beginning of its journey through that particular sign. It can bring a fresh and potent energy associated with the qualities of that planet and sign. However, the interpretation of a planet at 1 degree also depends on the specific planet and the sign it is in.

What does 28 degrees mean in astrology? ›

In an equal house system, a house is 30 degrees in length, hence a 28 degrees means that you have reached a point where you are about to exit the house. Now there could be additional meaning if a certain planet has acquired that length, also the degree of lagna will play an important part in the analysis.

What are the powerful degrees in astrology? ›

Critical degrees are specific points within each sign that are known to have intensified astrological significance. These degrees are 0, 29, and sometimes 15 degrees. Each of these has a special energy and deals with beginnings, endings, and heightened traits or intensity.

How much do degrees matter in astrology? ›

They matter very much - the extent to which a planet exhibits its charactetistics in a certain way within a zodiac depends on te degree of its position within its zodiac. Planets with lesser degrees are said to exhibit lesser characteristics pertaining to that zodiac.

What signs rule what degrees in astrology? ›

Below are the pivotal degrees of each sign:
  • Aries: 1, 13 and 25 degrees.
  • Taurus: 2, 14 and 26 degrees.
  • Gemini: 3, 15 and 27 degrees.
  • Cancer: 4, 16 and 28 degrees.
  • Leo: 5, 17 and 29 degrees.
  • Virgo: 6 and 18 degrees.
  • Libra: 7 and 19 degrees.
  • Scorpio: 8 and 20 degrees.
May 10, 2024

What are the lucky degrees in astrology? ›

The astrological aspects describe the angular relationships between the planets or points in a birth chart, and they are measured in degrees. The Lucky aspects in a natal chart are the conjunction (0°), sextile (60°), and trine (120°).

What does 0 degrees mean in astrology? ›

In the natal chart, planets or points at 0° of a sign take a stance that either indulges in or embraces the very pure, undiluted nature of the sign.

How many degrees is a cusp? ›

A cusp is essentially when two signs are near the location of a planetary position in your birth chart, typically, 27–3 degree, but 0 is the most cusp it can be.

What does the 2nd degree mean in astrology? ›

the 2nd degree, on the other hand, is an indicator of success in your life, especially material success as it is the degree of taurus, but in general it refers to your idea of success. in fact, aside from famous people like michelangelo and queen victoria, even adolf hitler had this degree in his chart.

What does it mean when Venus is at 0 degrees? ›

For instance, if your Venus occurs at 0 degrees, there's a sense of curiosity and desire to learn in order to grow into the characteristics of your Venus sign. If it falls in the middle degrees (14 to 16), you'll feel very much in tune and entrenched with the vibe and purpose of your Venus sign.

How to read degrees in astrology? ›

Each sign begins at 0 degrees and grows to 29 degrees going counterclockwise. Every time you hit 30, a new sign begins. Signs can also be split into 3 decans, or sections that are 10 degrees wide. 0-9 degrees of a sign is the 1st decan, 10-19 degrees is the 2nd, and 20-29 degrees is the 3rd.

What is the 30 angle in astrology? ›

What is semisextile? When two planets are semisextile, they are one sign (30 degrees) apart. The proximity can be uncomfortable, since these planets have no traits in common.

What is 180 degrees apart in astrology? ›

Opposition. An Opposition (abbreviated as "Opp") is an angle of 180°, which is 1⁄2 of the 360° ecliptic. Depending on the involved planets, an orb of 5-10° is allowed. An Opposition is said by Ibn Ezra to be the most powerful aspect.

What does 29 degrees mean in astrology? ›

The 29th degree indicates that you're completing an important phase in your life that's connected to the planet at that degree. According to astrology TikTok creator @shawtyherbs, the 29th degree of any zodiac sign, also known as an anaretic degree, is commonly associated with feeling the need for emotional support.

What are the degrees in astrology houses? ›

Signs are always 30 degrees in size, but houses can be (and usually are) either smaller than 30 degrees or bigger than 30 degrees (when you're not using the Equal House system). Some houses in a chart will be smaller and some will be bigger. A small house might be 15 degrees, a large one maybe 50.

What do the angles of your birth chart mean? ›

These points are known as the "angles," and they have particular significance because they represent physical points of energy manifestation. The angles in your Astrology birth chart are where your horoscope comes alive; where you meet and interact with the outside world.

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Name: Greg Kuvalis

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Introduction: My name is Greg Kuvalis, I am a witty, spotless, beautiful, charming, delightful, thankful, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.