The First Mess Cookbook: Vibrant Plant-Based Recipes to… (2024)


492 reviews697 followers

October 20, 2017

I had no idea how this book ended up at my library for me. I order so many cookbooks and probably don't remember ordering it. I get a couple a month from the library to peruse. When I started it, I was immediately hooked. The author first had a food blog which in turn this book was born. I don't know the blog but plan on visiting soon.

The breakdown:

Mornings and Breakfasts
Soups and Stews
Salads and Dressings
Hearty Mains and Big Plates
Vegetables and a Couple of Grains
Energizing Drinks and Small Bites
Desserts and Small Treats

What amazed me most is that I went to soup section first to try recipes instead of the dessert section. I tried a couple soups and loved them. The one that stands out for me is a detox soup (Deep Immune Cup of Soup). So easy and tasty and enough for multiple meals plus some in the freezer for later. Easy to make recipes are what entice me. Something that I can make quickly on a weeknight that is tasty and filling. Recipes are vegan, or as it says plant-based, but no crazy hard to find ingredients. Bonus...gorgeous photos with each recipe. Love it.

Overall, I really liked this cookbook and see myself checking it out over and over again from my library. I have so many recipes lined up to make already. Why only a four? Not a book I would buy (I have no shelf space left) as I would not cook from it everyday. I have my tried and true book. And a big section on breakfasts which I rarely make. What can I say...I'm lazy first thing in the morning, I'm lucky I can make toast at that hour of the day.

    challengereads challengereads-2017 foodie

reading is my hustle

1,552 reviews319 followers

February 1, 2023

this is really a 3 star cookbook for me based on content b/c the recipes are a bit fussier than i want for a weekday meal. however, this is a cookbook that i would use when planning a meal for friends or special occasions. extra star for presentation; the photos & paper quality are top notch.

    blog-to-book foodies

Liana Kreamer

26 reviews2 followers

April 22, 2018

I've made several recipes from this cookbook and they were all delicious (and healthy - bonus!).



510 reviews3 followers


November 21, 2020

When I look for new recipes, I have 3 criteria:

1.) Is it healthy?
2.) Is it FAST? (I don't actually like cooking. I do it because it's healthier. In a perfect world, I could eat fast food and I would look and feel great and I would be healthy and thriving. Also, when I'm ready to eat, I'm READY TO EAT. NOW. RIGHT NOW. So the less time I spend in the kitchen and the more time I'm eating and/or doing other things I'd rather be doing (like reading), the happier I am. My max allowance on any meal prep is 35 minutes. And that's pushing it.

I found a few recipes here that fit that criteria, and that makes me happy.



481 reviews25 followers

April 16, 2017

Started jotting down recipes I wanted to make first on the back of receipt... ran out of room by desserts! Cannot wait to start cooking from this inspiring book. Especially: maple-baked beans, beet hash, chipotle pumpkin chili, caramelized onion potato salad, BBQ mushroom toast, spaghetti squash noodle bowl with lime peanut sauce, glowing vegetable tangle, sunshine everything crackers. Can you even with the recipe names? MAGIC.

    read-in-2017 read-in-one-day vegan

Ambur Taft

427 reviews1 follower

August 20, 2017

Delicious pictures and easy delicious recipes full of fairly easy to find ingredients...great to own just for the soups, salads & smoothies for daily consumption.


2,125 reviews25 followers

August 9, 2018

Laura Beam, this one's for you and yours! Great healthy veggie recipes that sound easy and delish. I've marked so many pages of my library copy, I think I need to buy one for myself.


630 reviews81 followers

January 23, 2018

Just made Broccoli Caesar with Smokey Tempeh Bits. It is so delicious!


881 reviews

August 18, 2022




417 reviews7 followers

November 8, 2017

I do this thing were I sign out cook books from the library as a preview to see if they're order worthy...this one definitely purchase worthy. Gorgeous pics and very unique options from my other vegan cook books.


195 reviews318 followers

March 8, 2017

What The First Mess Cookbook strives for is to really inspire people to get into the kitchen to cook and enjoy seasonal produce. Having grown up in an agri-culture (she speaks about her beginnings at her family farm in the intro to her book), Laura offers recipes that look to seasonally engage people at mealtimes with wholesome, truly delicious meals that are worth making. She has wonderful sections regarding stocking your plant based pantry and what kitchen equipment/tools you might need. I didn't need to make any special trips to the grocery store but if you're new to vegan cooking you may need to add pantry items here or there. Even costlier ingredients (PINE NUTS!) are used purposefully and sparingly. If you ever look at an ingredient she uses and wonder "Is it worth it?" I wholeheartedly say "Yes!" There are times when she offers alternative/substitution ingredients in the header of her recipes. Laura is the last person who would want anyone to waste time or money. All of her recipes are simple to make and as you can see have the most beautiful results. I have already made over 25 recipes from this cookbook and have really found success with all of them. While not a vegan, as a vegetarian I really appreciated how flavourful and satisfying each dish was -- especially when I was serving them to some non-Veg family members. Although I received a free review copy of this cookbook, I did not receive monetary compensation and the thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. This review is a small excerpt of my review on


128 reviews

December 14, 2018

I normally wouldn’t rate a cookbook because there isn’t always that much reading involved, but I kept this one from the library for longer than expected. It is an absolutely gorgeous book full of delicious recipes that are accessible and healthy and easily modifiable. I really appreciate that the author is actually a trained culinary chef. Nothing against the bloggers-turned-recipe creators, but if I know someone has actually gone through the rigors of testing how to cook everything, I’m going to have a lot more faith in their recipes.

The recipe I was really excited to start with was the mega clump granola. Her method is, bar none, the best I’ve found for creating delicious sheet pan granola that clumps into whatever size you wish. I just reaffirmed this by testing a very popular recipe blog’s clumpy granola and it was nowhere near as tasty or clumpy as Wright’s. The weeknight curry recipe is great. I would be careful about modifying any pancake or waffle recipes as the flour balance is delicate (all gluten free ones) and I found that the what I thought was small and inconsequential modification I made to the Spelt Pancakes ended up making them nearly inedible. I know it was my fault rather than hers! I’m excited to try the lemongrass noodle soup next.


3,602 reviews26 followers

September 28, 2017

I was attracted by the title but read it for the contents. This is a vegan cookbook that has a fair amount of novel recipes, at least I haven't seen them before. Most use fairly common ingredients but you may have to mail order some spices and other ingredients. I'm especially interested in the use of chia seeds and other ingredients as a substitute for dairy, I have friends who are lactose intolerant.
I plan on trying at least a few of the recipes, I can't give a full rating until after a taste test, but it looks promising.

I did make the pepperoncini salad dressing, milder than I was expecting, it was tasty and a nice change of pace.

    cooking diy non-fiction


122 reviews

October 22, 2017

It was lovely to look at, but many of the dishes reminded me of things I have seen before.


270 reviews1 follower

July 28, 2020

Why can't all cookbooks contain content like this? This was so great!

The first few pages in, I was grabbing pieces of paper to bookmark recipes I wanted to make. I started off in the breakfast section where I'm usually unimpressed by the non-unique recipes. But the next morning I made the vanilla coconut coffee creamer. Later that day I made the fresh instant almond milk. Both were so yummy!

Adaptations to the recipes.
For the vanilla coconut coffee creamer, I added 3 dates instead of 6. And I added a bit of water to thin it out. Overall, I probably used 1/3 cup water until I was happy with the consistency. But it was so yummy I also add it to my cereal and oatmeal.

For the fresh instant almond milk I love this idea of using almond butter instead of soaking almonds which takes forever and never tastes as good, in my opinion. I ended up adding a bit of cows milk to thicken it up and my kids devoured it. Totally going to make again with other variations like hazelnut butter for a chocolate consistency.

I've flagged a few more recipes to make. All of them use healthy, fresh ingredients which I love. And most of them are vegan or plant based which I love.

The soup section looks amazing. Lots of unique flavor combinations that I can't wait to try in the winter.

Totally recommend.

Photos are beautiful, of course. So that's always a plus.



243 reviews

August 20, 2020

I wish there were more stars to give this cookbook. I feel like I have met my food soulmate. Thank you so much to Laura Wright for sharing this with us! You have made restaurant-level, 5 star delicious food possible for my home on a nightly basis. If anyone is reading this who has a CSA (farm share) or is thinking of getting one or knows someone who has one, buy this book for yourself now!! Your life in produce will be on another level. I'm just going to gush a bit more, because I say at least twice a week, "I am so glad Barb sent this to us." I have eaten vegetarian for almost 20 years, and have cooked every version of stuff-in-a-bowl imaginable. Until getting this book, my go-to was the Moosewood cookbook, which is great- but The First Mess is EXCELLENT. I literally have had home runs on every single recipe I've tried. We eat the bean and rice veggie burgers at least twice a week. I'm in love with the simplicity of the ingredient lists as well as the straightforward prep. As long as you know what to soak beforehand, every recipe is possible in an hour or (typically) less. A huge huge thanks to Laura. You have a fan for life. Thank you so much.

Jamie Langes

19 reviews1 follower

January 8, 2022

One of my favorites!

Healthy, delicious and easy meals - what more do you want from a vegan cookbook? I did take away one star because there is inconsistency (in my opinion) in the strength or weakness of seasoning (some you need more, some you need a significant amount less). Other than that, once you find your way to the middle on the seasonings for this book, you will emerge the victor on delicious home cooked meals.

I love that there are interesting flavor combinations, and since I already have a heavily stocked vegan pantry, making these recipes is easy (with little to no additional investment). That said, if you don't have a mostly gluten-free pantry, multiple nuts and nut butters, or certain seasonings, you might have some misgivings about purchasing what you need to cook your way through this book.

This cookbook is definitely one of my favorites and I use it often for inspiration and healthy meals. I've been vegan for years, and have explored a variety of authors, recipes and flavor combinations; The First Mess is one of my core cookbooks and provides filling dishes for all seasons.

Julie lit pour les autres

566 reviews70 followers

May 15, 2017

Est-ce qu'un livre de recettes compte comme une lecture?

Si l'auteure est Laura Wright, oui. C'est drôlement étonnant comme l'auteure crée une atmosphère sereine tout au long de son recueil et de ses présentations: on se croirait presque au mois d'août à la campagne, à apprécier le bruissem*nt des graminées et les stridulations des cigales! Le design du livre est épuré et les photographies particulièrement alléchantes: légumes, fruits, grains, légumineuses sont photographiés avec soin dans une belle lumière, souvent sur fond bois et couleurs de terre. J'en suis à essayer les recettes qui s'avèrent réussies et goûteuses jusqu'à présent. Les fèves au lard-pas-de-lard contiennent des dattes qui leur donnent un goût caramélisé irrésistible. La salade de chou à la thaï et sa vinaigrette épicée à la sauce sriracha a conquis toute une tablée pour la fête des mères.

Pour cuisinier.ère souhaitant cuisiner végétalien avec simplicité et raffinement.

    cooking vegan


47 reviews

May 13, 2018

This book is beautiful. The recipes are simple, delicious, and beautiful. It’s real food, not a single “weird” ingredient. I’ve made many of the recipes and they all turn out oh-my-goodness-dog-ear-the-page delicious. The book, physically, is bound wonderfully in a sturdy, matte hardcover, with pages you can easily write in. The photographs are gorgeous. Another perk: Laura Wright is a wonderful person. I heard her speak on a podcast and she is one of the most normal, down to earth, and non-judgmental vegan book writers i’ve ever found. i’ve read a bunch of vegan books that include a bunch of meat-and-dairy-shaming propaganda in their writing, and Laura does none of that. She’s even totally cool with non-vegans utilizing her dishes as accompaniments to meats, or on their “meatless monday” stints, or whatever pleases you. I think she genuinely just wants people to eat more plants hahahaha i love it.



420 reviews

July 15, 2020

Excellent collection of delicious vegan recipes! Very helpful, useful introductory section on stocking one's kitchen. Equipment suggestions include basics needed, nice-to-haves, to splurge items (high speed blenders, which she uses regularly, as do I). Good basic ingredients to keep on hand lists, & suggestions to store things where they are visible so you'll know what is on hand and be more likely to use it. Detailed index is a plus. Tasty, accessible recipes that use easy to find ingredients, categorized by meals, occasions, desserts. Highly recommend.


7 reviews1 follower

October 31, 2017

This book was such a refreshing perspective on food and seasonal eating, I follow a predominately plant based diet so this was a great book for recipe ideas and more healthy takes on your average meals. I loved the different and interesting flavor combinations that seem unexpected, yet perfect. I can't wait to actually try some of the recipes. It's also worth mentioning that Wright takes such beautiful pictures of her food, you could tell she truly loves what she does!

Amelia R

2 reviews

April 19, 2022

Although the title of the book implies that it addresses seasonal eating, I couldn't find a clear exposition on the topic. I would appreciate more in-depth or clear indication of what produce is in season for a given recipe. Also, considering seasonality, I thin more discussion of produce substitutions were in order. All in all, I like some recipes, others haven't turned out perfectly. I enjoy the author's blog, though.

    food vegan vegetarian


1,248 reviews22 followers

July 15, 2017

This recipe book seems to use a lot of ingredients I don't care for, so it's a pass for me. The beginning is sort of a memoir that outlines the links between the recipes. This author was completely new to me, so I wasn't looking to read her memior - I was just interested in plant-based recipe ideas.

    non-fiction recipes


58 reviews3 followers

January 1, 2018

After completing just three recipes (Moroccan Stew, Deep Immune Cup of Soup, Wedge Salad with Avocado Citrus Dressing), this book is already a favorite. If you are looking for new ways to incorporate vegetables in your life, these recipes do it with a ton of flavor. I can hardly wait to work my way through many more recipes.

Aja Marsh

707 reviews

December 31, 2017

I didn't know anything about this book going it, and really enjoyed it. Her approach to food is similar to mine-- no processed anything, simple and healthful ingredients, and flavorful recipes. Found something in there I hope to make for dinner tonight! Uncertain if it's one I'd want to have on my bookshelf permanently, but I'll play around with it a bit more and see.

    cookbooks food vegan


694 reviews

December 10, 2019

This cookbook was everything I look for - good food, good pics, good summaries. Just enough personality and asides to make it interesting, but not so much to distract from the main point: the food.
It had more than the usual number of starred recipes by the time I was through with it. A few definitely going into my permanent rotation.

    cookbook non-fiction

Sarah Hissong

3 reviews

April 5, 2020

Literally the best cookbook I have ever used in my life!!! It’s one that actually is messy from being on my counter, has folded pages, and every single recipe is amazing. Many staple recipes are in this book that we use weekly! I recommend it to everyone looking to go vegan. Best recipe book eva. ❤️


298 reviews15 followers

May 19, 2017

Beautiful photographs and a wide variety of dishes. I am so excited about the baked goods without eggs! I saw the gluten-free waffle recipe and decided then and there I needed this book for my own collection.

    food health library-book


551 reviews

May 21, 2017

Definitely a vegetarian/vegan's best friend. I am neither one of those, but I do love eating plants. I'll be making a lot of these recipes. The pictures are beautiful and lovely. A nice addition to the collection.

    buy-this-book cookbooks
The First Mess Cookbook: Vibrant Plant-Based Recipes to… (2024)
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Author: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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Introduction: My name is Mrs. Angelic Larkin, I am a cute, charming, funny, determined, inexpensive, joyous, cheerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.