Belgian tax authorities issue a specific Pillar Two notification form, which requires immediate action (2024)

On 21 May 2024, the Belgian Tax Authorities (BTA) provided further practical guidance with respect to the Pillar Two notification obligation for in-scope multinational enterprises and large-scale domestic groups with consolidated annual revenues exceeding EUR 750 mio in two of the four previous fiscal years.

In-scope taxpayers are required to take immediate action as they need to register within at least 45 days after the publication in the Belgian Official Gazette of a still to-be published Royal Decree of 15 May 2024 which can be expected momentarily. Based on the notification template (and related guidance) published on the BTA’s website (only available in Dutch or French, and further referred to as the P2 Notification Form), the volume and number of datapoints to be provided is substantial. Once registered, a specific Pillar Two identification number (P2 TIN) will be issued that taxpayers will need to use for Pillar Two advance tax payments, reporting and compliance.


End of last year, Belgium implemented Pillar Two legislation in its domestic legislation (as enacted by the Law of 19 December 2023 and as recently amended), including a Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax, an Income Inclusion Rule and an Undertaxed Profits Rule. For more information, please refer to our Tax Alerts: Belgian parliament approves draft bill on Pillar Two ( and Belgian Pillar Two legislation further aligned with OECD’s guidance (

Notification requirement


Multinational enterprises and large-scale domestic groups with consolidated annual revenues exceeding EUR 750 mio subject to Pillar Two and with Belgian nexus need to register themselves with the Federal Public Service Finance (FPS Finance), by the completion and filing of the P2 Notification Form, specifically for Pillar Two purposes allowing them to make IIR and QDMTT advance tax payments and submit Pillar Two related notifications and tax returns.

The submission of the P2 Notification Form must be done:

  • if there is only one ultimate parent entity established in Belgium: by that Belgian ultimate parent entity;
  • if there are several ultimate parent entities established in Belgium: by the Belgian ultimate parent entity designated as agent;
  • if there is no ultimate parent entity and only one group entity is established in Belgium: by that Belgian group entity; and
  • if there is no ultimate parent entity and multiple group entities are established in Belgium: by the Belgian group entity designated as agent.

For clarity sake, if an in-scope multinational or large-scale domestic group has multiple Belgian entities, only one Belgian P2 TIN needs to be requested (and thus only one P2 Notification Form has to be filed).

The agent must be designated via a specific mandate form and must be digitally signed and submitted together with the P2 Notification Form. Per the date of publication of this Tax Alert, the specific (PDF) mandate form is not yet available. Important to note is that said form is an official form that cannot be changed.

Taxpayers that do not fall in scope of Pillar Two are not required to take any action.


The P2 Notification Form must be filed no later than 30 days after the start of the reporting year for which the multinational enterprise and/or large-scale domestic group falls within the scope of Pillar Two.

However, in-scope taxpayers who have already started or will soon start their first reporting year seem to be given a bit more leniency as they are required to notify within at least 45 days after the publication of the still-to-be published Royal Decree of 15 May 2024 in the Belgian Official Gazette. On 21 May 2024, this Royal Decree was not yet published in the Belgian Official Gazette.


The volume of information requested to disclose and submit in the P2 Notification Form is quite substantial and the question can be raised why this level of information is already required at this point in time.

  • Part I – Information related to the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group
    • I.1. Name of the multinational enterprise group or large-scale domestic group
    • I.2. Start date of the reporting year (dd/mm/yy), with the earliest possible date being 31/12/2023)
    • I.3. End date of the reporting year (dd/mm/yy)
    • I.4. Address of the UPE establishing the Consolidated Financial Statements (CFS) for Pillar Two purposes, including street, number, postal code, municipality, and country (ISO code)
    • I.5. Phone number (optional)
    • I.6. Fax number (optional)
    • I.7. E-mail address (optional)
    • I.8. Hyperlink to corporate website (optional)
    • I.9. Type of entity (legal entity is automatically mentioned)
    • I.10. Legal entity form, being either an ‘organization without legal personality’ (this option is to be chosen if the UPE preparing the CFS for Pillar Two purposes is located in Belgium) or a ‘foreign entity’ (this option is to be chosen if the UPE preparing the CFS for Pillar Two is located abroad)
    • I.11. Details of the individual representing the UPE, including first name, last name, Belgian National Register number or the so-called BIS-number which is a unique identification number for (foreign) individuals not registered with the Belgian National Register.
    • I.12. Capacity of the multinational enterprise group/large-scale domestic group (pre-populated field)
    • I.13. Nature of the group, being either a multinational enterprise group or large-scale domestic group
    • I.14. Confirmation whether the group constitutes of only one sole legal entity (or not)
  • Part II – Information related to the CFS of the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group
    • II.1 Type of CFS of the UPE (as defined under Article 10 of the OECD Model Rules (or as implemented in domestic law by Article 3, 6° of the Law of 19 December 2023)
    • II.2. Accounting standard used for the CFS the UPE, including the corresponding ISO code
    • II.3. ISO code of the currency used for the CFS of the UPE
    • II.4. Information related to the publication of the CFS of the UPE online (hyperlink)
    • II.5. If II.4. does not apply, confirmation that the CFS are not published online
  • Part III – Information related to the ownership structure of the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group

    The purpose of this section of the form is basically to map the relevant legal entity ownership structure of the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group and corresponding Pillar Two qualification of each entity.

    • Under each of the below subpart III.1 to III.4, the following information should be provided (as known for the first day of the reporting year):
      • Name
      • Jurisdiction (ISO code)
      • TIN (in line with the OECD tax identification number structure, similar to the TIN needed one preparing a CbC report following the Belgian standard in this respect)
      • GloBE status, which includes the following (note that multiple options are possible): constituent entity, flow-through entity (tax transparent or reverse hybrid), hybrid entity, permanent establishment, main entity, minority-owned parent entity, minority-owned subsidiary, minority-owned constituent entity, investment entity, joint-venture, joint venture subsidiary, non-material constituent entity, excluded entity, ultimate parent entity, partially-owned parent entity, intermediate parent entity
      • Type of excluded entity (if applicable): governmental entity, international organization, non-profit organization, pension fund, investment fund that is an UPE, real estate investment vehicle that is an UPE, entity owned by an excluded entity
      • Sub-group (if applicable): constituent entity, minority-owned subgroup (specify which minority-owned subgroup), standalone minority-owned constituent entity, investment entities, joint venture group (specify which joint venture group), stateless constituent entity
      • TIN of the entity on top of shareholding structure of the sub-group (if applicable)
      • Consolidating entity for Pillar Two purposes
    • III.1.A. Information in relation to the UPE or UPE’s (Belgian or foreign)
    • III.1.B. If the UPE is Belgian, the above information should be provided in this subpart for all the Belgian and foreign entities under the UPE
    • III.2.A. Information related to the Intermediary Parent Entity or Entities (Belgian or foreign)
    • III.2.B. If the Intermediary Parent Entity is Belgian, the above information should be provided in this subpart for all the Belgian and foreign entities per Belgian Intermediary Parent Entity
    • III.3.A. Information related to Partially Owned Parent Entity or Entities (POPE) (Belgian or foreign)
    • III.3.B. If POPE is Belgian, the above information should be provided in this subpart for all the Belgian and foreign entities per Belgian POPE
    • III.4. Information related to any other entity established in Belgium
  • Part IV – Information related to the point of contact
    • IV.1. Name of the enterprise which acts as point of contact of the group in relation to the creation of the Belgian P2 TIN (this should be the Belgian entity filing the P2 Notification Form)
    • IV.2. Tax identification number of the enterprise
    • IV.3. Jurisdiction of the enterprise (always Belgium or BE as ISO code)
    • IV.4. Address of the enterprise (street, number, postal code, municipality)
    • IV.5. Name of the contact person within the enterprise
    • IV.6. E-mail address and phone number of the contact person within the enterprise


  • Taxpayers must register with the FPS Finance by submitting a P2 Notification Form, in XML format, that will be made available on the digital government platform “MyMinfin”. When submitting the XML file, the following items will need to be confirmed:
  • Start- and end-date of the reporting period
  • Whether the company wishes to make use of P2 related prepayments (note, this is not binding)
  • The actual XML file, together with the (PDF) mandate form
  • Contact e-mail address

Once successfully submitted, the FPS Finance will register the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group with the Crossroads Bank for Enterprises (being the Belgian trade register). After that, the specific Belgian P2 TIN for the group will be sent by e-mail to the entity that registered the group.

Implications to businesses

It is clear that the required information to complete the P2 Notification Form requires a good understanding of the Pillar Two scope of the multinational enterprise or large-scale domestic group, including the Pillar Two qualification of each entity.

Taxpayers should therefore take immediate action and gather (if not yet done) and review the required information to complete the required Pillar Two notification form within a short window of time. It is not clear what the consequences are in case this timing is not respected. The still to-be published Royal Decree may provide further guidance on this (and other) matter(s).

In case you need any assistance with the completion of the notification form, with the practical electronic submission of the form or more in general with Pillar Two related questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us or to your dedicated person of contact.

Belgian tax authorities issue a specific Pillar Two notification form, which requires immediate action (2024)


Belgian tax authorities issue a specific Pillar Two notification form, which requires immediate action? ›

In-scope taxpayers are required to take immediate action as they need to register within at least 45 days after the publication in the Belgian Official Gazette of a still to-be published Royal Decree of 15 May 2024 which can be expected momentarily.

What is the Pillar 2 legislation in Belgium? ›

Belgium's Pillar Two legislation included a Qualified Domestic Minimum Top-up Tax (QDMTT), an Income Inclusion Rule (IIR) and an Undertaxed Profits Rule (UTPR). (See EY Global Tax Alert, Belgian parliament approves draft bill on Pillar Two, dated 19 December 2023.)

Why is Belgian tax so high? ›

One of the reasons for this is that Belgium has a history of emphasizing their public services and social welfare system and this contributes to the higher tax burden. There are also different layers of government (federal, regional, and local) collecting taxes.

What is the tax free allowance for Belgium 2024? ›

Anyone subject to personal income tax is entitled to a "tax-free allowance". This means that part of the taxable income is not taxed. The tax-free allowance is EUR 10,160 (tax year 2024, income 2023) (tax year 2025, income 2024: EUR 10,570).

How are pensions taxed in Belgium? ›

Specific conditions apply. In Belgium, a monthly pension is normally taxed at the standard progressive tax rates (of 25% up to 50%, plus communal tax). Pension capital and life annuities, on the other hand, are taxed at a flat rate (this can be 0%, 10%, 16.5%, 18%, 20% or 30%, depending on the circ*mstances).

What is the Pillar 2 requirement? ›

The Pillar 2 requirement is a bank-specific capital requirement which supplements the minimum capital requirement (known as the Pillar 1 requirement) in cases where the latter underestimates or does not cover certain risks.

What is Pillar 2 information? ›

Pillar Two aims to ensure that income is taxed at an appropriate rate and has several complicated mechanisms to ensure this tax is paid.

Do expats pay taxes in Belgium? ›

Who pays tax in Belgium? Both residents and non-residents pay taxes in Belgium. Residents pay tax on their worldwide income, including rent and capital gains, while non-residents only pay income tax on anything they earn from Belgium.

What changes in Belgium on 1 January 2024? ›

From 1 January 2024, the maximum bicycle allowance for employees will rise to €0.35. For the first time, there will be a tax ceiling of €2,500 on that allowance, corresponding to a maximum distance of 7,142 kilometres per year. Up to that amount, the allowance is exempt from social and fiscal contributions.

What is the 21% tax in Belgium? ›

What is the VAT Rate in Belgium? The standard rated VAT in Belgium is 21%, and applies to all supplies of goods and services not specified as being subject to any of the other rates. There are two types of reduced rate: 6% rate applies to the goods and services outlined in Royal Decree no. 20.

Can a US citizen retire in Belgium? ›

If you're looking to retire to Belgium from a non-EU/EFTA country, you must first apply for a type D (long-stay) visa at your local Belgian embassy or consulate. One of the main requirements will be to show that you can support yourself without working.

Is US social security taxed in Belgium? ›

If you work as an employee in Belgium, you normally will pay only Belgian social security taxes and neither you nor your employer will have to pay U.S. Social Security taxes.

Can I get pension after 5 years in Belgium? ›

Pension age in Belgium

Currently, payment of a Belgian state pension (rustpensioen/pension de retraite) begins when you are 65 years of age. You will need to have worked at least 45 years to get the maximum pension.

What is OECD Pillar 2 simplified? ›

Pillar 2 of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development's (OECD) Global Tax Deal would limit tax competition and the so-called “race to the bottom” on corporate income tax rates.

What is the minimum tax rate in Pillar 2? ›

The GloBE rules apply a system of top-up taxes that brings the total amount of taxes paid on an MNE's excess profit in a jurisdiction up to the minimum rate of 15%. This figure illustrates the steps that an MNE might undertake in order to apply the GloBE rules.

How many countries have signed up to Pillar 2? ›

In October 2021, more than 130 countries agreed to implement a minimum 15% corporate tax rate for certain multinationals (global turnover over €750 million) as part of the second of the two pillars in the OECD's ground-breaking taxing the digital economy framework.

What is the legislative system of Belgium? ›

Legislative. Legislative powers in Belgium are divided between the national, the regional and the community levels. The Belgian Federal Parliament consists of the Senate (Dutch: Senaat, French: Sénat) and the Chamber of Representatives (Dutch: Kamer van Volksvertegenwoordigers, French: Chambre des Représentants).

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